
Please scroll down for registration fees and instructions.



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Registration Fees


Actual Registration:

Architects leading workshop:


Not included:


150 shekels | Includes accommodation for Friday 22/10 only
+50 shekels | Workshop Participation paid directly to ECOWEEK

400 shekels | Includes accommodation for Friday 22/10 only*
+50 shekels | Workshop Participation paid directly to ECOWEEK
* You are kindly encouraged to pay the full cost of participation, in order to help finance participants with limited means.

Please consider paying 100 shekels only for the cost for meals and accommodation (for Friday 22/10 only).

Participation to conference, workshop and lecture, meals and accommodation.

Travel, stipend, and personal expenses.

At Talitakumi in Beit Jala for one night on Friday October 22, 2010. Room arrangements per IPCRI. Please visit the IPCRI website.

Send an email to elias[at]

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General Inquiries


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We wish to thank Dr. Gershon Baskin, Co-CEO of IPCRI for hosting the ECOWEEK Workshop during the IPCRI Conference in Beit Jala, and all the architects and Architecture students that join us in making this exceptional opportunity and workshop possible.



Q: Are there still places available to participate?
A: Yes! As long as registration is open there are places available in the workshop.

Q: We are students from disciplines other than Architecture, Landscape Design and Engineering. Can we participate?
A: Yes, the workshop is open to students (graduate and undergraduate) of different disciplines and we encourage participation for more interdisciplinary workshop experience.

Q: We are FIRST YEAR Architecture students; can we attend the workshop?
A: No, the workshop is intended for 3rd year students and up.

Q: We are Ph.D. students in Architecture; can we attend the workshop as students?
A: Yes, the workshop is open to Ph.D. students.

Q: We are students in Interior Design; can we attend the ECOWEEK workshop?
A: Yes, the workshop is intended for students of all design related professions, such as Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Design, Urban Planning, Industrial Design, and Engineering.

Q: Do we have to have prior experience before attending the workshop?
A: No, no prior experience is necessary to participate in the workshop.

Q: Do we have to have special equipment to participate to the workshop and site visit?
A: Yes, you are encouraged to bring your laptop - at your own risk - to enable you to prepare the work that will be requested during the workshop. The workshop venue in principle will provide with electricity outlets and Wi-Fi connection will be available within or near the venue, to enable you to work during the workshop. You are also encouraged to bring your own sketching tools - at your own risk (please do not bring expensive tools that may be lost during the workshop). You are advised to bring your own sketchbooks, notepads, pencils and pens.

Q: Do I need special clothes for the workshop or site visit?
A: No. No special clothing is required although the dressing code encourages modest dress during the workshop. During the site visit you will be also at open air, so dress appropriately to weather, protection from sun, and you are encouraged to wear work-clothes and shoes that may be affected by walking outdoors.

Q: May I register online?
A: Yes, please send an email to ecoweek[at] and you will be given instructions for registration.

Q: We want to register but we are not sure if there are spaces available.
A: Yes, as long as registration is open, you can register.

Q: Is it possible to register without having to use a VISA? Can I make a deposit or transfer instead?
A: Yes, please contact us for instructions at ecoweek[at]

Q: How can I demonstrate/prove that I am a student and register as a student?
A: You can use any form of identification form from your University, a student ID, a letter from your University Department.

Q: I am interesting in attending the workshops but I can only attend part of the workshop. Is that possible?
A: No. Once you register to the workshop, you are required to be present and involved in the workshop throughout the duration of the workshop.

Q: I am interesting in attending the workshops but I cannot come to the site visit. Is that possible?
A: Yes. As long as you attend the workshop, you are not required to join the site visit. Having said that, it is greatly recommended to visit the site and meet the client prior to the worskhop. Therefore, the site visit is highly recommended, but not required..

Q: I am not interested in registering for the workshop, but I would like to attend the lecture. Is it possible
A: No. the lecture and workshops are intergrated and they cannot be attended separately.

Q: How much of the program is presented in English?
A: The lecture and workshop are in English. Hebrew and Arabic will also be spoken during the workshop.

Q: When is the next ECOWEEK event?
A: Please refer to our website for regular updates and announcements of events, or write to us to add your address to our mailing list for regular updates.

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