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Check out the ECOWEEK events in the Middle East! [Special events] [Films] [Site visits]

ECOWEEK 2013: Special events


During March 2013, NGO ECOWEEK will hold a four (4) week exhibition titled Joining Green Spirit with Matter, at the ZEZEZE Architecture Gallery at the Tel Aviv port.

With the support of ETEM SA.

The exhibition is a new concept that combines 'green' proposals with 'green' techologies, services and products. The 'green' proposals include ECOWEEK projects in Israel, West Bank, Italy, Poland, and Serbia. The projects include proposals of 'green' urban planning, public interventions, new buildings, 'green' upgrade of existing buildlings, projects of 'green' design, small scale hands-on interventions in parks and schools, and more.

The exhibition combines a DESIGN ASPECT: panels with architectural proposals, a BUSSINESS ASPECT: materials, samples, product catalogues and fliers, B2B meetings and corporate presentations (depending on demand, the exhibition may also include a business exhibition with booths, at an adjacent location), and a CULTURAL ASPECT: public events free and open to the public. The exhibition will also host two (2) ECOWEEK Workshops during ECOWEEK 2013, assigned to design 'green' proposals for real sites in Tel Aviv. The exhibition, cultural event, and workshops will be open to the public. Similar exhibitions are planned also in Greece, Denmark, Turkey and elsewhere. More


During March 3-8, 2013, Mifalei Yam and the Port of Tel Aviv in cooperation with NGO ECOWEEK and businesses at the Port of Tel Aviv, will hold a one week 'GREEN WEEK'. The week will include 'green' activity at the port, with live music, food stands, lectures, exhibitions, activities for adults and children, and more. More details to be posted shortly.

During March 2013, NGO ECOWEEK will hold a four (4) week exhibition titled Joining Green Spirit with Matter, at the ZEZEZE Architecture Gallery at the Tel Aviv port.

With the support of ETEM SA and DETAIL.

ECOWEEK is seizing the opportunity of turning the planned exhibition at the ZEZEZE Architecture Gallery into an international design competition for students of Architecture and Design. The competition offers them the possibility to shape the exhibition design and exhibition space where the exhibition and activity will take place. More

ECOWEEK 2013: Documentaries

> No films posted


ECOWEEK 2013: Site Visits

> No site visits posted



In 2007, ECOWEEK was among the first to show in Greece the Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth with Nobel-Laureate and former US Vice President Al Gore, and to show it to more than 100 High Schools across Greece and Cyprus. In 2008 ECOWEEK organized a panel of distinguished speakers for the premiere of The 11th Hour with Leonardo DiCaprio at the 48th Thessaloniki International Film Festival, and then held free screenings across Greece and Cyprus, including High Schools. In 2008 ECOWEEK hosted the premiere of Last Call for Planet Earth by Jacques Allard, who was invited to introduced the film together with a panel of distinguished architects from Greece, UK and Denmark. In 2009 ECOWEEK was the first to show the newly released The Age of Stupid by director Franny Armstrong and Oscar-winning producer John Battsek starring Pete Postlethwaite, in Athens (Greece) at the same time the film was premiered in most capitals across the world.

ECOWEEK has also been screening the TVE documentary series ELEMENT by director Emily McDowell, broadcast on MTV channels globally, featuring young social entrepreneurs who initiate creative projects for Climate Change and UNs Millenium Development Goals; The Next Industrial Revolution directed by Shelley Morhaim featuring architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart and their cradle-to-cradle concept; The Power of Community directed by Faith Morgan, about how Cuba survived the Peak Oil crisis in the 1990s with urgan organic agriculture; The Rural Studio presenting Samuel Mockbee's vision of Architecture as a catalyst for social change; Kilowatt Ours by Jerr Barrie about where our energy comes from and what is the impact on the environment and the local communities; and Architecture 2030 by architect Ed Mazria a leader in passive solar architecture and sustainable building.

ECOWEEK welcomes invitations for public, corporate, community, and educational screenings. All invited screenings have a charge for the public screening copyrights. Contact ecoweek[at]

ECOWEEK 2013 Partners in the Middle East (frequently updated) :
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Partner and Cooperating Organizations 2013 :

ECOWEEK thanks its partners for making ECOWEEK 2013 possible and successful.
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